Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on this site:

Most of the links going to products on are affiliate links of which I receive a commission from sales. The price is always the same for you, and in most cases - at a discount. I only affiliate myself with companies that I either genuinely buy from already, or products that I have tried and continue to authentically use. As such, any affiliate links are to products that I personally use, support and would recommend to my friends and family. The majority of the products I recommend are things I have personally bought and paid for, often for years, before I reached out to the company and chose to affiliate myself with them. Affiliating myself with companies means that when you use my link to purchase, you are supporting me as I receive a commission from all purchases made through my unique links. There are a handful of select companies that have reached out to me to asked if they could gift me their product for review. I decline most of these requests, but for a small percentage of offers I will choose to accept if it seems like a product that I might genuinely use and enjoy. After I try the product, I would then decide if I wanted to choose to affiliate myself with that company and promote their products. 

What is an affiliate link?

An affiliate link is a link that contains a special tracking code that is unique to me. It allows companies to track purchases made from my unique links and pay me a commission. The product price is always the same for you and in many cases - at a discount if I have been provided a discount code to share. Again, for simplicity, assume that any link on is an affiliate link. If you are going to purchase a product and would like to help support my family and I in sharing our wellness journey, links for all the products I recommend can be found on the favorites page.  

When do I use affiliate links?

If I post an affiliate link to a product, it is something that I personally use, support and would recommend even without an affiliate link. My first priority is always providing resources to help you on your journey to optimal health and wellness, and I will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within this purpose.

Other things to note about affiliate links:

While I have personally used each product I link to, these products are purchased from third party companies and I do not control these companies. For this reason, I cannot ensure that any item purchased through a link on is shipped on time, packaged properly, or that you will like it. Any problems or concerns with a specific product purchased through a link on this website should be directed to the company the item was purchased from.