On top of the chance to win amazing prizes every month, you will hear from us a few times a week through email or text (if you opt-in after entering). We don't want to waste your time or spam you. Our goal with this program is to help you in the season you're in. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the community and we hope you join us!
- Education: We've recently partnered with an Integrative Health Practitioner to create roadmaps to your health in various seasons.
Our aim is to assist you in going from where you are now to where you want to be in the most natural way possible. We will do this through addressing root causes and providing you the knowledge and possible tools you need.We will be sending out blogs, videos, and content helping you go from season to season.
- Weekly FAQ'S: We will be answering the top 5 questions in depth each week that are submitted through our FAQ survey. If you have a question you've been wanting to ask, you can submit them once you enter!
- Community Support: We have a new community program that provides daily support, group challenges, and supports you on your health journey. You can join the free, invite-only community here!
- New Program Announcements: We have been working on a lot of new and exciting things to benefit our community. Consider yourself V.I.P. as you will be the first to learn about them before social media.
- Partner SALE Roundups: We will be gathering and condensing all the best discount from our partners for all the major holidays, and will send you exclusive discounts first and only available to our community!
- Healthy Living Gift Guides: We will be putting out NEW holiday gift guides for men, women, and kids (maybe pets too ;).
- Giveaway Winner Announcements & New Prizes: On the 1st of every month, we will be sending an email to the 3 winners that month. On the 3rd, we will announce the winners to the entire community! The best part is, you can share this with any of your friends and family so they also have the opportunity to win all these prizes every month... because we know first hand sharing health tools with our families from the horses mouth is sometimes tough...
We are so grateful for each and every one of you and we hope you join us on this exciting journey, Angi and Aryland (and the kids;)
❤️PS. All of these tools and our other favorite products can be found here.
Pps. Make sure to keep your eyes on your inbox right after entering the giveaway for the confirmation emails and our "What you can expect inside our community" email with the link to they surveys!
Also, in case there is a question you've wanting to ask us, there is an FAQ survey in the welcome email.