A home is individual to each and every single one of us, and there are many projects that we have taken on to make this home in Texas unique as we prepare for unknown seasons ahead.
While I share our lives online, you may have noticed that even after 8 years, you were only given a tour of our home in CA as we were moving out, and we’ve only shared snippets of our new home in Texas…
There are things we will always keep private and simply just invite you to our table so you can have an insight into some of the things we incorporate into our home to make it a safe, comfortable, and clean environment that provides the feel and atmosphere we want our kids to experience.

As we are always aiming to create harmony and balance, here are a few ways we create a calm, low-stress, high-frequency environment…
- Minimize material things that don’t serve you
- Declutter and get rid of things you don’t use anymore or don’t bring you joy - donate anything you are getting rid of
- Bring sunlight into your home and use less artificial light

 When you’re looking to clean up your environment, fill your kitchen with clean alternatives, bring grounding sheep skins onto your floors, or switch to organic bedding, we’ve given you some of our favorites below that will help you create a safe and clean space for your family to enjoy.

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