Be prepared, not scared. Make small decisions to prepare your mind and home as much as you as you are able to in the season that you are in. If you can’t afford to prepare monetarily, work on gaining the skills to prepare your body, mind, and heart. 

All of the links below are affiliate links, if you purchase using one of the links below - you are supporting us in sharing our wellness journey, and for that we are genuinely grateful! You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

Complete Survival Kits

Quality kits with the supplies you need for the most critical 24 to 72 hours of an emergency situation, sized for you and your family. Planning ahead doesn't imply that you expect bad things to happen, but that you are prepared if they do.

Seventy2 Survival System

Code Fletcher for 15% off

Seventy2 Pro Survival System

Code Fletcher for 15% off

24Seven Complete Kit

Code Fletcher for 15% off


It is vital to have at minimum 3 days' worth of water on hand at all times. To calculate how much you need for your family considers that each person needs 1 gallon of water per day for drinking, washing + to prepare food. A family of 4 would need to have 12 gallons on hand. If you have pets, plan for extra.

Important Technology 

This section contains tech that we would want handy for day-to-day situations.

Garmin RINO® 700 

Code Fletcher for 15% off

Portable Ultra-Strong Power Block

Code Fletcher for 15% off

10 Watt Portable Solar Panel 

Code Fletcher for 15% off

GARMIN Montana® 700i

Code Fletcher for 15% off

NOAA Radio

Code Fletcher for 15% off


With rising inflation, crop loss, and food shortages, it's prudent to regularly stock up. Focus on staples and live foods that may be stored for a long time.

Health + First Aid

Consider what basic needs would be in an emergency situation- stock up on these first. Then, consider a situation where you were isolated for a day or more. This section is a go-to resource for emergent and ongoing health and first aid.

Leefy Organics

Code Angi15 for 15% off

Arnica by OLLOÏS

Code Angi15 for 15% off

Triage Kit

Code Fletcher for 15% off

Combat Application Tourniquet

Code Fletcher for 15% off

Ollois Homeopathic Starter Kit

Code ANGI15 for 15% off 

Survival Garden

Whether you've grown food during the pandemic, or are ready to try, these items will help to expand your sustainability.


Don't get stuck during an emergency without the ability to keep yourself warm, dry, and protected! We've chosen a collection of affordable outerwear made from durable materials.